Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions

These terms, together with the accepted Quote and the Registration Form, govern the relationship between the Customer / Student and the Security Academy, unless explicitly agreed otherwise. By accepting a Quote from the Security Academy and booking a Course, Customer agrees to be bound by these Terms. By accepting a Quote and booking a Course, Customer also confirms to have read and accepted the Privacy Policy of the Security Academy.


In these Terms:

“Customer” means the individual or organisation who has accepted a Quote from the Security Academy and proceeded to book a Course as the party named as being responsible for payment of the Course Fee.

“Course” means the course to be provided by the Security Academy as referred to by course title in the Quote presented to Customer by the Security Academy.

“Student” means the person named on the Quote, Registration Form or other communication submitted by Customer to the Security Academy for whom the Security Academy has agreed to provide the Course in accordance with these Terms.

Booking a Course / Enrolment

Customer / Student can book a Course by filling in and submitting a Quote request and confirming acceptance of the Quote. These Terms take effect as soon as the Security Academy confirms receipt of the acceptance of the Quote, agrees to providing the Course and receives the Course Fee. Customer shall pay the Course Fee on booking a Course. The Security Academy is not obliged to hold a place for a Customer/Student on a particular Course where the Customer has not paid the Course Fee.

Student (individual Customer) is entitled to cancel a Course within 14 days of the date of booking. The same cancellation period applies where Student enrols for a Course that will be paid for by Student’s company or employer. The right to withdraw within 14 days of the date of booking the Course does not apply to business Customers.

If the number of enrolled Students exceeds the maximum number of places available on the Course, participation is determined on a first-come, first-served basis in accordance with the date of enrolment. Students who are unable to attend the training on the original date due to group size limit will be contacted to discuss an alternative. Approximately two weeks before the training date, Students receive an e-mail invitation with the date and time of Course.

The Security Academy reserves the right to cancel a Course if deemed necessary. If a Course is cancelled due to low enrolment, Students will be offered a place on the next Course. The Security Academy takes every effort to inform Students of cancellations and alternative Course dates as soon as possible.

If Student is unable to attend the Course on the alternative date suggested by the Security Academy, Student may request cancellation free of charge.

Terms of Payment

Course Fees must be paid on booking the Course. Non-attendance of a class or Course does not release Customer from the obligation to pay the full Course Fee to the Security Academy.

If Customer fails to pay the Course Fee within the agreed terms, Customer will be charged all costs incurred by late payment, including reminder charges and collection fees. If Customer fails to pay the Course Fee within the agreed terms, Customer will also be charged with an interest on the overdue sum from the due date until payment. In the event of continued non-payment, Customer’s account will be turned over to a collection agency.

All Course Fees must be paid in advance prior to the start date of the Course, unless alternative terms have been agreed with the Security Academy. Course Fees may be paid in instalments if expressly agreed with the Security Academy at the time of booking the Course.

Cancellation by Customer

Customer may not cancel a Course if the Course has been organised specifically at Customer’s request for a particular group of Students enrolled by Customer or on Customer’s behalf. This applies first and foremost to in-company trainings.

All cancellations must be submitted in writing. The date of cancellation is the date on which the Security Academy receives the cancellation. For cancellations received 30 days before the start date of the Course, Customer is charged 25% of the Course Fee. For cancellations received between 30 and 14 days before the start date, Customer is charged 50% of the Course Fee. For cancellations received 14 days or less before the start date, Customer is charged the full Course Fee.

Customer is entitled to replace a Student with another Student on a Course if agreed with the Security Academy prior to the start date of the Course, and if the Student meets the applicable admission requirements. In such cases, no cancellation fee is charged.

In the event of no-show or early termination of the Course by Student, the full Course Fee is charged.

The Security Academy has a 30-day refund period for the amount paid or remaining amount in the event of cancellation.

Course Materials and Copyright

Course materials are provided to Students who participate in a Course, training, seminar or other event organised by or authorised by the Security Academy.

The Course materials provided may not be stored, reproduced, adapted, translated, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the Security Academy. Use of the Course materials in courses, classes, trainings and seminars and other forms of instruction and demonstration without explicit permission of the Security Academy is strictly forbidden. Course materials of the SECO-Institute may not be stored, reproduced, adapted, translated, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the SECO-Institute.

Students who attain a certificate, diploma or certificate of attendance issued by the Security Academy or the SECO-Institute, are entitled to use the Course materials in their work. Students in the possession of a SECO certificate are entitled to adapt (edit, re-structure, complete, etc.) the materials in order to enhance their practical usability in a specific work environment. However, Students are not entitled to use the Course materials to provide any form of education including courses, classes, trainings or presentations.

The Security Academy has made every effort to ensure the correctness of the information contained in the Course materials, including additional support materials and handouts. However, the Security Academy cannot guarantee the accuracy or reliability of such information. Under no circumstances shall the Security Academy accept liability for any direct or indirect damage, loss or inconvenience arising from the use of the information or from decisions based on the information contained in the Course materials.

Changes to the Course Programme

The Security Academy is committed to providing high-quality and up-to-date trainings. Improvement efforts may result in changes to an already published Course curriculum. The Security Academy makes every effort to keep its website and publications up to date. However, the Security Academy cannot guarantee that all minor changes are immediately reflected on the website or in other publications. Eventual deviations from the published Course programme are no ground for Customer to cancel a Course or terminate this Agreement.

Online Courses and Privacy

The Security Academy uses online tools to make the Course available online. This involves the use of digital cameras. The Security Academy strives to respect Students’ privacy preferences regarding the use of cameras. Students who object to being shown on camera during a Course shall notify the Security Academy before the start date of the Course.

Student Conduct

Students’ progress and well-being are a key priority for the Security Academy. Students are entitled to a training environment that enables them to achieve their personal and professional goals. Therefore, the Security Academy reserves the right and obligation to remove from a Course any Student whose conduct is alleged to impede the progress and goal attainment of the group as a whole.

Should concerns arise regarding a Student’s conduct, the Security Academy will assess the circumstances of the particular case to find a solution that satisfies both the group and the Student whose conduct is questioned. Final decisions in such situations are made by the Security Academy’s Board of Directors.